Data Conversion & How it Works

If you've been frequenting Trackman ranges, you might have noticed a feature called the conversion button and wondered what it does. Let's shed some light on its functionality to help optimize your practice sessions:

What is the Conversion Button?

The conversion button serves as the range counterpart to a concept we refer to as "normalization" in Trackman terminology. Essentially, it adjusts the data collected during your session to eliminate external factors like wind and aligns it with the performance of a premium golf ball, which is typically not used on ranges. This adjustment ensures that your range data closely reflects your on-course distances.

How does it work?

Eliminating External Factors: By activating the conversion button, you're essentially stripping away variables such as wind that may affect the flight and distance of your shots. This allows for a more accurate representation of your true performance.

Aligning with Premium Ball Performance: The conversion process also adjusts the data to match the characteristics of a premium golf ball, providing consistency and reliability in your shot data. This enables you to make more meaningful comparisons between your range sessions and on-course performance.


The conversion button on Trackman ranges plays a crucial role in enhancing the accuracy and reliability of your practice sessions. By normalizing the data and eliminating external factors, it enables you to make more informed decisions and improvements to your game. So, the next time you're at the range, don't forget to utilize the conversion button to ensure that your practice data closely reflects your on-course performance, helping you reach your full potential on the course.

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